The Elegant Goth

The Elegant Goth is a virtual store front in Second Life that caters to the goth community for their needs of elegant and beautiful gothic furniture, roleplay tools, cemetery decor and so much more!
Store Owner: Deja Letov
Established: 2008
In World Location: (Not inworld currently)
Blog: (currently 404'ing)
What Do People Think of Our Products

"Deja has done it again. An amazing pipe organ with awesome animations and music. A must have for any gothic home or castle. Heck I have it in my modern house thats not even gothic juxt cause its to awesome. Its a must have! Why are you still reading this?? Buy it now! You won't regret it." ~LadyScarlette Nightfire (Playable Haunted Gothic Pipe Organ)
"Love the spooky Sinister look of it and the ghost playing is great. Been looking for one of these for a long time to fit our sinister corner of SL. Adding songs to it is another very welcomed feature, hope we get more and more and more. Great Job Deja, as usual :)" ~Belzebat Darkmatter (Playable Haunted Gothic Pipe Organ)
"This pipe organ is simply fantastic! The photos of it look great - the reality is far beyond merely "great". It looks stunning and is easy to use, the music is clear and undistorted ... and the ghostly organist is simply marvelous! Well worth more than the price paid, it's an item that I am not only proud to own - and show off - but one that I have already been recommending to Clan and friends." ~GhostcatsDream (Playable Haunted Gothic Pipe Organ)
"Deja has made me the happiest bride ever!!! I was going crazy trying to find a gothic looking organ for my wedding...... BEST BUY EVER!!!!" ~Nyteshade Bravin (Playable Haunted Gothic Pipe Organ)
"Very High Quality for the price. I Love it. Fits my Halloween Play area perfectly. Details are great even a puddle of alge water in the top bowl the Cherub is holding (nice touch)." ~Davedawgg (Fountain of Decay)
"After hours of browsing shops on the marketplace and in-world my partner and I came across this stunning piece of work. Really not enough can be said for the unique quality and the time that has been placed in every imaginative animation. I would fully recommend it for a number of reasons
(i) it's the best quality you will find out there with loads of options, no rip-offs with half broken animations
(ii) genuinely imaginative animations ranging from heterosexual vanilla loving to homosexual orgies
(iii) an option even for the more bondage oriented or vampire-friendly couples
All in all, fantastic." ~DayZAltathar (Tranquil Blue Gothic Bed)
"This ONE prim chair (and 1 prim shadow) is perfect for my old log cabin. It is tintable although it says no mod (just the scripts) and it looks like chairs I have with MUCH higher prim counts. I love it. AND... you can copy it. Can't get much better than that..." ~Cyrenity (Rustic Old Arm Chair )