CasperLet/Touch Menus on Units
This page will detail the various touch/popup menu options on rental units inworld.
If your estate managers are unable to access the "admin" options on your rental units, THEY need to follow Step Four on the rental manager setup page in order for them to see the inworld menu options.
Remember that CasperLet logins are a separate login from CasperVend, and your estate managers need to be aware of this when they go to add themselves.
"Main Menu" refers to the first popup menu screen that is received when clicking the rental unit.
The text on this page will list the touch/popup menu options in alphabetical order, however the what you see on the inworld menus will not be in alphabetical order.
Primary Tenant refers to the avatar that has paid a rental unit to begin a new rental.
Everyone Sees These Main Menu Options

- INFO: This option gives the basic rental information (cost per week and prims/land impact). If it is rented, non-administrators simply get a message that the unit is already rented. Administrators get a reminder of the basic rental information, plus the name of the renter (if it is rented) and how long is left on the rental.
- NOTIFY ME: Adds the user to a notification list for when a rental becomes available. The units give the customer the option to be notified about that particular unit, or any unit owned by that landlord.
- PAY: This brings up a selector menu to choose payment methods. Right now this is only to pay via Lindens, because Linden Lab killed the Linden Dollar Reseller program.
Tenants Get These Main Menu Options

- GRP INVITE: Allows the tenant and additional subtenants to get re-invited to the land group, if applicable. (If the land is owned by a group the tenant owns - such as many island estate parcels tend to be - then this option will not do anything.)
- LAND IMPACT: This tells the tenant how many prims/land impact they're currently using, as of the last count via the prim counter.
- NOTECARD: This gives the tenant the information notecard that is sent upon renting. These notecards should contain rules about what is and is not allowed, so it's important to keep these up to date for the tenants.
- NOTIFY ME: Adds the user to a notification list for when a rental becomes available. The notification does NOT specify which rental has become available, however. The user has to come and see the rentals to determine which is available. (A suggestion ticket is already in the queue to add an additional line notifying the customer which rental has become available.)
- PAY: This brings up the selector menu to payment methods. Right now this is only allows selecting of Linden Dollars, because Linden Lab has killed the Linden Dollar Reseller program that included the VirWox service Casper was using to provide this ability.
- REMINDERS: This toggles the inworld reminders TO the tenant off or on. When reminders are off, the individual rental unit's configuration page will show a yellow banner indicating that the tenant has turned off reminder messages.
- TENANTS: This option brings up the "Tenants" submenu option, detailed below.
- TIME LEFT: Gives a local chat message informing the tenant how much time is left on the rental.
- UPDATE PRI: This tells the rental unit to take a "quick count" of the prims on the parcel - this is ONLY a local recount, and does not affect the prim counter's global count, but it is still helpful for tenants who want to keep track of their prim/land impact usage.
- WON'T RENEW: This simply informs the system that the tenant will not be renewing the rental when it expires, so no reminder messages will be sent.

- ADD TENANT: Allows tenant to add additional subtenants (friends, family, etc.) to the rental.
- CLEAR TENANTS: Clears out all additional subtenants all at once that may have been added by the primary tenant. (Resets the rental unit so that only the primary tenant is listed on that rental.)
- LIST TENANTS: Lists any additional subtenants that have been added to that rental. This option does not list the primary tenant, only the additional ones.
- REMOVE TENANT: Removes additional subtenants on a name-by-name basis (instead of all at once.)
Administrators Get These Main Menu Options

- CONFIG: Takes you to the individual unit's configuration page.
- DELETE UNIT: This deletes the tenant information off the website and self-deletes. If sim/region-to-website communications are a problem, the unit will not self-delete right away. You cannot retrieve this unit once this action completes! It is gone forever!
- INFO: This option gives the basic rental information (cost per week and prims/land impact). If it is rented, non-administrators simply get a message that the unit is already rented. Administrators get a reminder of the basic rental information, plus the name of the renter (if it is rented) and how long is left on the rental.
- LOCK/UNLOCK: Toggles whether the rental unit is locked (prevents new rentals) or unlocked (will accept new tenants) - this does not impact the current tenant's rental, and the current tenant is still able to pay their rental.
- NOTIFY ME: Adds the user to a notification list for when a rental becomes available. The notification does NOT specify which rental has become available, however. The user has to come and see the rentals to determine which is available. (A suggestion ticket is already in the queue to add an additional line notifying the customer which rental has become available.)
- PAY: This brings up the selector menu to payment methods. Right now this is only allows selecting of Linden Dollars, because Linden Lab has killed the Linden Dollar Reseller program that included the VirWox service Casper was using to provide this ability.
- RESET: Tells the rental unit to contact the CasperLet site and fetch any new information on the current rental (For example, after you've manually added time, prims or additional tenants via the website.)
- STATES: Brings up the submenu for saving the rental unit's position and - in the case of rental boxes - size and transparency depending on which state ("available" or "rented"). See the configuring states section for details on how this works.
- TENANTS: Brings up the "Tenants" submenu.
- TRANSFER: Begins the process of transferring an existing tenant from that rental unit to another. See the transfer rental page for more details on this process.

- ADD TENANT: Allows tenant to add additional tenants (friends, family, etc.) to the rental.
- CLEAR TENANTS: Clears out all additional tenants all at once that may have been added by the primary tenant. (Resets the rental unit so that only the primary tenant is listed on that rental.)
- +EVICT: Evicts the current tenant without refunding them. The former tenant is sent a message in local chat informing them that they've been evicted from the rental.
- LAND IMPACT: This tells the tenant how many prims/land impact they're currently using, as of the last count via the prim counter.
- LIST TENANTS: Lists any additional tenants that have been added to that rental. This option does not list the primary tenant, only the additional ones.
- +REFUND: Both evicts the current tenant and refunds them on a pro-rated basis. All rental refunds subtract the time that has already been used on the rental.
- REMOVE TENANT: Removes additional tenants on a name-by-name basis (instead of all at once.)
- TIME LEFT: Gives a message in local chat indicating how much time is currently left on the tenant's rental.
- UPDATE PRI: This tells the rental unit to take a "quick count" of the prims on the parcel - this is ONLY a local recount, and does not affect the prim counter's global count, but it is still helpful for tenants who want to keep track of their prim/land impact usage.