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Cashback Method

If a user pays more than the indicated amount, they will be refunded the set percentage.

On the "Units" (bulk) page

  1. Look for the "Set discounts" option
  2. Tick the box
  3. Click "Add new" just underneath that. You'll get a popup.
  4. On the popup, there will be two lines
    1. Spend amount: Enter the minimum amount the renter needs to pay at one time
    2. Discount: Enter the % of "cashback" the renter gets each time they pay the minimum

On the individual unit configuration page

  1. Look for the "Set discounts" option
  2. Tick the box
  3. Click "Add new" on the same line - you'll get a popup.
  4. On the popup, there will be two lines
    1. Spend amount: Enter the minimum amount the renter needs to pay at one time
    2. Discount: Enter the % of "cashback" the renter gets each time they pay the minimum

Setting up new resident / FREE rentals?

LSL does NOT allow a "null" (L$0) amount, so you CANNOT set the rental units to L$0.

But there is a workaround - use the "cashback" method above, with the following changes:

  1. Set units to "L$1" per your default rental period
  2. Spend amount: Set to "L$1"
  3. Discount: Set to "100%"

If your new residents are brand new and have no money, you'll need a separate method (NOT related to CasperLet) to give them that L$ in order for them to be able to rent.

(Or the prospective newbie renters can pick up a few coins via the various grid-wide treasure hunts.)

Bonus Time Method

If the user adds a set of time in one go, they will recieve bonus time.

NOTE: Bonus applies only ONCE per payment, even if the tenant is paying the amount that would otherwise grant multiple bonus times!

On the "Units" (bulk) page

  1. Look for the "Set bonus time" option
  2. Tick the box
  3. Click "Add New" just underneath that. You'll get a popup.
  4. On the popup there will be two lines:
    1. Required time: Enter the minimum time that the renter must pay ahead to get the bonus
    2. Bonus time: Enter the amount of bonus time that the renter gets after they pay

On the individual unit configuration page

  1. Look for the "Set bonus time" option
  2. Tick the box
  3. Click "Add New" on the same line - you'll get a popup.
  4. On the popup there will be two lines:
    1. Required time: Enter the minimum time that the renter must pay ahead to get the bonus
    2. Bonus time: Enter the amount of bonus time that the renter gets after they pay


If your tenants are overdue, they need to pay their debt to you as well as the block of time on top of that which would normally trigger the bonus time. Bonus time is never calculated on the portion that's overdue.

Other Discounts

Group discounts, "loyalty bonus" options, and per-avatar discount methods are not currently available in CasperLet.