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![]() | Because the speedy deletion tag(s) shown below was placed very shortly after this page's creation, at a time when the creator may not have finished the initial entry, and the CSD criteria it was tagged under is not critical (unlike attack pages, copyright violations, obvious tests, vandalism, patent nonsense, etc., all of which should be deleted immediately) the administrator or other uninvolved editor who reviewed the speedy deletion tag(s) is asking, by this notice's placement, for a customary 10-15 minute courtesy window for the original contributor to address any deficiencies. The article should not be deleted before that time. This template should only be applied to short articles with insufficient content for assessment purposes – always placed above (and never in place of) an existing speedy deletion tag |

Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |