Lastat Productions

Full product listing and manuals found here:
Lastat Productions has been creating various scripted items for clubs and businesses since 2009. Since then we have produced highly advanced, reliable, easy to use products such as Contest Boards, Picture Contest Boards, Schedule Boards, Shoutcast Boards, Parcel Music Controllers, Bid Boards, Raffle Boards, Tip/Donation Jars, Greeter Boards, and Tournament Boards. We also create simple builders systems such as doors, and color/texture changers.
Since 2009 I have been developing one of the most widely used 'club' multi-tools in second life, the Club Tool. This handy little tool comes with a dance system that allows you to sync others with you. An elaborate emote/message system. A very intuitive welcome system allows you to automatically welcome avatars to your venu using one, or multiple random welcome messages. The radar has many options for each resident such as sending group invites, offerting a teleport or teleporting to them. Also included is a rezzer, item giver, landmark teleporter, spanker with spank back, and much much more! Full details can be found here: