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Configuring Rental Units

Most of the various options on this page are duplicated between the "bulk" units page, and the individual unit configuration page. Therefore, this options page has all the options organized in alphabetical order for ease of finding the one you need help with.

Rental unit options:

Accept Payments: - toggle ON or OFF to allow or prevent renters or potential customers from renting that particular unit.

Additional tenants: can be added by the tenant using the rental box menu; or, add them yourself. Type in the SL user account (not the display name). Each box can have up to _____ tenants plus the person who paid the box originally.

Bonus Time: a way to reward tenants without rebating any $L to them. Set a quantity of time to be purchased in one lump, set the quantity of bonus time to be added to the rental.

Delete: - self-explanatory. Deletes the rental box from the grid and from your CasperLet database. Does not affect transaction history but the RENTAL HISTORY for the unit will no longer be available

Discount Levels: Set a L$ value at which the tenant will receive a rebate, and the rebate percentage. Example: "spend L$ 1000" and a discount of 10% will rebate L$100 to the tenant. This only works when the tenant pays the "Spend amount" value in a lump sum.

Extra Allowance: Use this when also using "Count prims belonging to ANY user" to exclude (for example) the landlord's prims, group-deeded prims (media players), etc, that are included with the rental but should not count against the rental box Land Impact, above.

Group Invite Bots: See the WIKI for this discussion. All rental boxes use your "default" bot and each box can be individually configured to use a different bot - handy when you maintain multiple land groups and require tenants to "tag up" in order to rez.

Initial Minimum Tenancy: similar to "minimum tenancy" above; set the minimum amount of time to be paid the first time the box is paid by a new tenant

Land Impact: How many prims can the tenant use?

Minimum Tenancy: Minimum time for which a tenant can pay. 0 = no minimum; any other value will calculate rent based on the PRICE configured above. i.e. a 3-week minimum tenancy with a L$300/wk rent = $L900 payment EACH TIME the tenant pays the box. If you set this change the PAY BUTTONS (below) accordingly

Notecards and Landmark: - items must be in your CasperLet Dropbox, included in your CasperLet Rental System delivery box.

Pay buttons: hese should be set in units that complement the PRICE you set above. If you set the PRICE = L$700 and set the Pay Buttons = 1, 2, 3, 4 days then the potential tenant will see buttons to auto-pay L$100, L$200, L$300, L400 (assumes no minimum tenancy options are set). If you do set a minimum tenancy you should configure buttons accordingly: minimum tenancy of 2 weeks means each button should be set in an increment of 2 weeks as well, while if initial minimum tenancy is set at 2 with no minimum tenancy then button one should be 2 weeks

Profit sharing: add a profit share for a manager, partner, etc. Type in the SL user account (not the display name) and the percentage of the rent to be paid to said individual. You can add more than one profit share to a rental.

Price: Edit to suit


   Emergency Restore - just what it sounds like.  If you inadvertently evict someone you have a short period of time during which you can RESTORE the evicted tenant to the rental
   Set Rental - again, just what it sounds like.  Type the SL user account (not the display name!) to manually add the first tenant to a rental

Reset: - forces config data into the box from the CasperLet server

Reserved: Type the SL user account name (not the display name) to reserve a rental box for a specific individual

Locked: Toggle ON or OFF; disables payments without affecting the current tenant

Time Remaining: available to change when a unit is RENTED. Use this to extend a rental to a specificate day/month/year. Handy when a tenant deserves a bonus or needs an adjustment and you don't want to do complicated time-centric arithmetic.

Time Adjustment: Allows you to add or subtract time from a rental. Frequently requires time-centric arithmetic.