OLD-CasperLet/Quick Start
Quick Start
It's really, really easy!
- 1) Rez a rental unit. Click to get the popup menu.
- Simply click (touch) the rental unit, and select "Config" from the popup menu - this will take you to the page where you can set the unit's options. For example, price, auto-evict, etc.
- Don't forget to GRANT debit permissions or the rental unit will not work!
- 2) Go to the website
- 3) Create an account, if necessary. Log in.
- You can find instructions on how to create an account on the passwords page.
- 4) Set your desired configuration options, such as rental rate and prim/impact limits.
- IMPORTANT: Change only ONE option at a time, and click "save" after each change!
- 5) Rename your units inworld, then click and reset
- Rename your units inworld, then touch/click them and select "reset" from the menu. The website needs to pick up the new name from the unit, not the other way around - this is why the reset is necessary. DO NOT just pick up and re-rez or you will lose the configuration.
- 6) If you want to use prim counting, you need to also rez a "CasperLet Prim Counter".
- You need to rez one prim counter, per region, PER LAND OWNER (because a prim counter can only count prims on parcels from the same owner as the counter). That means, if you have four parcels owned by yourself and four parcels owned by the group, in the same sim/region, you will need two counters: one owned by you and rezzed on a parcel you own; and one rezzed on a group-owned parcel and deeded to the group.
- See the prim counter page for usage details.
If you want to see an overview of where your units are inworld, you can click on "Regions" icon on the CasperLet website.
Frequently Used Options
You can also...
- ...See how to transfer a renter's configuration from one unit to another
- ...See how to safely - physically, inworld - move a rental unit
- ...Set different discounts
- ...Set different states for your rental units depending on whether they're available or rented
- ...Learn how to customise the different rental unit textures
- ...See how to properly add a manager to CasperLet
- ...Learn how to get notecards set up for delivery
When you are ready to take advantage of the many additional options in CasperLet, see the complete user manual.
If you need help with your CasperLet system, please see the Getting Help page for information on how to get in touch with us.
Thanks for using CasperLet!