CasperVend 2/Vendors/ChangeLog
- Improved security.
- Changed the communications protocol for increased reliability.
- General discounts now have a direct impact on the price shown on the vendor
- Group discounts present a second button on the vendor to allow the lower price to be paid
- New "Price override" option, allows you to force a vendor to charge a certain price.
- New "Don't allow discounts to be awarded" option (also available on older versions)
- Vendors can now be set offline
- Improved the way the vendor registers with the network in order to reduce load on rolling restarts
- Increased the startup delay after a region restart from 0-10 minutes to 0-15 minutes
- DropBox has support for sending linked messages (fix for )
- DropBox protocol improved to be more compliant with objects with non-ascii names
- Self check re-added to the dropbox code (since SVC-6546 has made a return recently).