CasperVend 2/VIP Lists

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VIP Lists are a powerful feature in Caspervend which allow you to give benefits to certain lists of customers.

Using this feature, you can:

  • Make as many different lists as you want
  • Restrict products to be only purchasable by VIPs (Purchaser must be in thee list)
  • Restrict products to only be deliverable to VIPs (Recipient must be in the list)
  • Or both of the above
  • Allow VIPs to bypass a product start/end date, allowing you to release early to VIPs
  • Automatically add a customer to a list when they purchase a specific product
  • Automatically include members in a VIP list if they have spent more than a certain amount of L$ in a month
  • Deliver extra items to VIPs

Create Your VIP List

  1. Go to your Overview tab
  2. Scroll down to the VIP lists block, in the far-right column. (see image)
  3. Click "Add New List" - you will get a popup. (see image)
  4. Enter the name of the list, then click the blue "Ok" button.
  5. The page will refresh, and your new VIP list will be shown.

Manage Your VIP List - Automatically

If you wish to use the automatic options, there are two tickboxes at the top of the page.

One will auto-add people if they've spent a certain amount per month in your store (and will remove them at the end of the month.)

The other is a permanent add after spending a certain amount in your store.

  1. Click "Manage" button - you will arrive at the list page for that particular VIP list. (see image)
  2. Tick one or both of the boxes at the top of the page.
  3. Each box ticked will open up a L$ entry box - just enter in the total of Lindens you want the customer to have spent in your store for each one.
  4. Then click the "SAVE" button for EACH ONE you have entered numbers in.
  5. You will get a popup saying "Saved!" - just click the blue "ok" button.

Manage Your VIP List - Manually

We're working on documenting this.

However, put shortly:

- Manage your lists from the Overview tab
- Set VIP options when editing a product