CasperVend 2/Vendor Tags

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Vendor Tags

Vendor tags allow you to manage groups of vendors in a more flexible manner.

NOTE: Vendor tag discounts do NOT stack! Only the lowest override will be used, or the highest discount.

Naming your tag

You may use alphabetic, numeric, dashes, and the "%" sign.

Tag Options

Once your tag is created, you'll have the following discount options:

  • Price override
  • General discount
  • Group discount

Choose a discount type. Click "Set". Enter a number in the popup box - ONLY numbers, no symbols - then click the blue "Ok" box. (If you enter an alphabetic or symbol, you won't get an error message, but there won't be a discount set either.)

Once you click "ok" the tag page will refresh, showing you the tag with the discount set.

Using Vendor Tags

What You Will See

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