CasperVend 2/Store Credit

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Store Credit

The much requested feature is now here! Flexible store credit awarding and purchasing options integrated with CasperVend!

To do this you create a store credit "product" and pin that "product" to a vendor. Your VIP group - or other customers - can then come along and use the vendor to get store credit without having to use a gift card!

Getting Started - Create the Store Credit "Product"

  • Log in to CasperVend
  • Click "Products" tab
  • Click green "New Product" button
  • You will be taken to the usual product setup page.
  • Enter the name of the product (for example, "store credit 250")
  • Select "Don't deliver anything"
  • Enter a L$ value for store credit
  • Add a number to the option for: "Limit Sales to ___ copies per avatar"
  • Save the product

Now you're ready to set up the vendor!

Set Up Store Credit Vendor as Group Gift

  • Rez out the vendor you're going to use for your group gift
  • Click vendor's logo/admin button area > Get popup
  • Select "Admin" > Go to website > Log in
  • Arrive at configuration page for THAT vendor
  • Use the pulldown to set the vendor to your new store credit "product"
  • Tick the box for "restrict to group"
  • Use the "Disable the "touch" dialogue" option
  • Make sure the vendor is rezzed under the CORRECT group.

Prevent Store Credit From Being Used to Gift Items to Other Avatars

  • Go to "Customers" tab
  • Tick the box for "Don't permit 'buy as gift' with store credit".