CasperLet/January 2023 Prim Counting Changes
January 2023 Prim Counting Changes
We've deployed an overhaul to CasperLet's consolidated prim counting. This change only affects units using prim consolidation.
Subtenant counting
The first change fixes a loophole which could allow tenants to get more prim allowance than they've paid for, through the use of subtenants.
The change ensures that prims owned by subtenants are consolidated correctly, and not just the prim allowance. Because of this change, you may see that some rentals are reporting higher usage than before, or may suddenly now be "over limit". However, the newly reported count reflects real usage.
Improved reporting
Prim counting is a deceptively complex aspect to land management. In order to make the prim calculation clearer, we've also added a "Consolidation" section to the unit configuration page. This section will clearly list any tenants whose prims have been included in the calculation, and also any rental units which have had their allowances added to the available prims (If the data does not display properly right now, please trigger a prim count manually on your prim counter).
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please get in touch via support ticket (send an IM to CasperHelp Resident).