Wicked Sin Creations

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^Wicked Sin Creations^ was created by Yuna Khaos in Second Life (SL) in January of 2011. The name was a combined collaboration of to other names. The Wicked parted of the name came from a club where she was given her first SL job. Sin came from a friend of hers that owned a store that created fashion in SL and inspired Yuna to design. She took parts of those names and brought them together to start her own creations.

                               File:Https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/535869 635774133106571 44471002 n.jpg

We have a variety of clothes at ^Wicked Sin Creations^. We carry goth, punk, Lolita, formal, mens', we do have mesh clothing as well as the layers and sculpted and flexi clothing items. Yuna works everyday to bring new items out that are fun creative that will be loved by everyone.

Designing is one of her favorite passions. She gets inspiration from everywhere. The excitement that she gets from creating is like a kid in a candy store or a child on Christmas morning.