CasperVend 2/Rez Clean-up script
<lsl> // // Name: Rez Clean-up // Author: Casper Warden // License: Attribution 4.0 International ( // Description: This script is for use in rezzed items. It'll automatically clear up the object // once the object that rezzed them disappears.
key parentKey; key myKey; default {
on_rez(integer j) { myKey = llGetKey(); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); list tmp = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(),[OBJECT_REZZER_KEY]); if (llGetListLength(tmp)==0) return; parentKey = llList2Key(tmp,0); if (llGetOwnerKey(parentKey)==parentKey) return; //It's an avatar llSetTimerEvent(1.0); } timer() { list tmp = llGetObjectDetails(parentKey,[OBJECT_POS]); if (llGetListLength(tmp)==0) { //Parent is gone if (myKey == llGetKey()) llDie(); //Protects against script being stopped half way through an event } }
} </lsl>