CasperVend 2/Gift Cards/V3/Prepare
Prepare your card
Before you can start issuing gift cards, you need to set up your card correctly.
Step 1: Rez a card on the ground
- It's important that you rez the card, not just wear it, otherwise permissions that you set on the card will not be applied correctly.
Step 2: Set Permissions
- Right click, and EDIT the card
- Set the card permissions to [NO MODIFY] and [NO COPY], but leave [TRANSFER] ticked
- Switch to the CONTENTS tab
- Right click the "CasperVend Gift Card Activator" script, and go to PROPERTIES.
- Set the permissions of the "CasperVend Gift Card Activator" script to [NO TRANSFER], then close the Inventory Item Properties window
- Right click the "CasperVend Gift Card v_____" script, and go to PROPERTIES.
- Set the permissions of the "CasperVend Gift Card v_____" script to [NO COPY], then close the Inventory Item Properties window.
Step 3: Prepare the instructions notecard
The instructions notecard inside the card is NO-TRANSFER. This is intentional, because the notecard should bear your name and not ours.
DO NOT DELETE THE `CasperVend Gift Card Activator` SCRIPT.
- Right click, and EDIT the card.
- Copy the contents of the "Instructions" notecard into a brand new notecard with exactly the same name
- Yes, this means YOUR version of the card must also just be named "Instructions", with no additional words or punctuation
- Edit the contents of the notecard. We've left instructions IN CAPITALS which you should follow and remove.
- Delete the original "Instructions" notecard from inside the gift card
- Place your new "Instructions" notecard into the card
Step 4: Set your store logo
Just drag your store logo onto the dimmed square area:
Step 5: Rename your gift card
- Right click, and EDIT the card
- Change the NAME of the card to something appropriate for your store.
- Right click, and TAKE the card into your inventory.
- You can then use this copy of the card when you need to ISSUE your card.