CasperVend 2/Vendor Tags

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Vendor Tags

Vendor tags allow you to manage groups of vendors in a more flexible manner.

NOTE: Vendor tag discounts do NOT stack! Only the lowest override will be used, or the highest discount.

Naming your tag

You may use alphabetic, numeric, dashes, and the "%" sign.

Tag Options

Once your tag is created, you'll have the following discount options:

((inserting image when it's uploaded))

  1. Choose a discount type.
  2. Click "Set".
  3. Enter a number in the popup box - ONLY numbers, no symbols - then click the blue "Ok" box. (If you enter an letter or symbol, you won't get an error message, but there won't be a discount set either.)
  4. Once you click "ok" the tag page will refresh, showing you the tag with the discount set.

Using Vendor Tags

Now that you have tags created, you can add them to vendors!

  1. Go to the vendors page
  2. Click "manage" on the vendor you want to add the tag to
  3. Start typing the tag name in the tag box
  4. You will see a suggested list of tags. Pick the one you want to use.
  5. Once you add a tag, it will automatically save and be activated - even though the page doesn't refresh at this time.

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