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How to use the teleport system

1. Rez it in two places on your sim or parcel

CONGRATULATIONS! You now have a fully working teleport system. However, naturally, the system is far more customisable than that!

How to change the name of the teleport locations

Simply change the name of the TP pad objects, the system will auto update instantly.

How to change the position of the teleport locations

Simply move them, the system will auto update instantly.

How to prevent other people's teleport pads from linking with yours

Open the notecard contained inside the transporter pads and change "mode = PUBLIC" to "mode = PRIVATE"

How to link your pads with teleport pads owned by other people

Open the notecard contained inside the transporter pads and change "mode = PRIVATE" to "mode = PUBLIC". This will need to be set on the destination pad also.

How to ban people from using your pads, but allow everyone else

Open the notecard contained inside the transporter pads and set "default = ALLOW", then add the names of the people you wish to ban under [BLACKLIST]

How to ban everyone except certain people from using your pads

Open the notecard contained inside the transporter pads and set "default = DENY", then add the names of the people you wish to allow under [WHITELIST]

How to restrict access to a group

You need to set the transporter pads to the group you wish to allow, and then add GROUP to the bottom of the notecard inside the pads.

How to create separate (independant) TP networks

Just change the "channel" in the notecard. All TP pads with a channel 0 will be on one network, all TP pads with a channel 1 will be on another, etc.

How to restrict access based on age

(Note this is avatar age, not RL age!)

Simply set "minimumage" or "maximumage" to the number of days. 0 means disabled.

How to use your Transporter for one-way access

Set "block" to either OUTBOUND or INBOUND depending on which way you want to block TP's.

How to use your Transporter with CasperLet


1. Set the "casperlet" value in the notecard to YES, and save. 2. Wait a few seconds until the notecard has finished reading. 3. Touch the transporter. 4. Touch the rental unit you want to link the transporter to 5. Watch the stream of particles which should now be emitting from your transporter. Are they going to the right unit? Click "yes" or "no". If they're not, start again from step #3. 6. That's it! The transporter pad will now work in conjunction with your rental meter.

The CasperLet functionality will let ANYONE use the telporter when the unit is "available" - but ONLY the tenant(s) when it's rented.

By default, the transporter will ONLY take them to the location of the rental meter, however you can change this by setting "accesscontrolonly" to YES. This will make the transporter behave as normal, except it will use the CasperLet unit to determine who can TP and who cannot.

If you like, you can set "acceptpayments" to YES which will allow people to pay the transporter pad to rent the rental unit it's linked to (if it's available). If this mode is enabled, the transporter will also duplicate any floating text which appears on the unit.