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Most people know that CasperVend uses only one script in all its vendor units and dropboxes. But how important is this, really?

Script Time

A region runs at approximately 45 frames per second when it's not lagged. This allows roughly 22ms *total* script time per region.

CasperVend vendors run at roughly 0.001 - 0.002ms of script time per frame. This means you could theoretically have 11,000 of our vendors rezzed without experiencing lag.

Script Memory

Another factor is script memory. A simulator has 256mb of script memory, and each of our vendors uses 66kb. This means that we would run out of memory after 3971 vendors were rezzed, so that is our actual limit.

How many vendors can I run without causing lag?

We rezzed normal panel vendors from these companies and left them for 30 minutes (for the script time to settle). This table shows the results of this test:

Vending System Script count (multivendors) Script time Script mem Max # of vendors with no lag
HippoVend 10 0.016 655kb 400
Alika 3 0.002 197kb 1330
BSM 2 0.003 131kb 2001
HippoVend "Elite" 1 0.002 66kb 3971
CasperVend 1 0.001 66kb 3971

Your region

Of course, these numbers assume you have *no other scripts* rezzed on sim, but this is never the case. In order to properly calculate how many CasperVend vendors you can rez before you see any lag, go to:

World -> Region/Estate -> Debug -> Get Top Scripts

Refresh this a few times, and note the *maximum* number at the top, for example, mine says:

"539 scripts taking a total of 1.685ms."

Mutiply the script count by 66kb and you have the rough memory usage - in my case, it's 34496kb (or 33mb), so I have 223mb available to use - enough for around 3,500 CasperVend vendors. Subtract the script time from 22 and you have the amount of script time you have available to play with. In my case I have 20.315ms available, which is easily enough for the 3,500 vendors (it could support 20,000 of them).

Holovendors & Rezzing

Certain types of operation are very taxing on sim resources. One of these operations is rezzing.

Because of that, and despite their efficient design, our HoloVend vendors cause significantly more lag than regular vendors, while they are being used. When idle, they don't cause much lag at all.

As a result of the lag that rezzing puts on a sim/region (it is one of the laggiest things you can do besides teleport), we don't recommend "temp rezzing" (zero-prim type rezzing) under ANY circumstances - zero-prim rezzer gadgets continually re-rez an object, thus putting that rezzing strain on the sim/region 24/7. This IS the reason many, many landlords will ban the use of temporary/zero-prim rezzers!

CasperVend HoloVend has a configurable time limit you can set - if you don't want an item to stay rezzed all the time, simply set a time limit greater than "0" on the Holovendor configuration page.

CasperVend Script Times

The table below lists script times for the various vending objects within CasperVend itself.

The "Active/Waiting" column simply means that the customer has interacted with the vendor (clicking for a menu, clicking a panel on a multi vendor, etc.) and the vendor is in the waiting period (rather than gone to sleep), waiting for what the customer may do next.

Vendor and expansion objects were rezzed and left to sit for 30 minutes for the scripts to settle into their "idling" period. For the "Active" column, objects were clicked to get a popup menu, followed by an immediate check of the script time once the popup menu was generated.

CasperVend Vendor Type Script time (Idling/Sleeping) Script time (Active/Waiting)
CasperVend² Free/Premium 0.001 0.002
CasperVend² Gatcha 0.002 0.003
CasperVend² HoloVend 0.001 0.007
CasperVend² Lucky Chair 0.002 0.002
CasperVend² Midnight Madness 0.001 0.002
CasperVend² QuantityVend 0.001 0.002
CasperVend² TextureVend 0.001 0.002