DropBox Hosting

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If you have areas you want to rent out for Dropbox hosting, let people know below! Be sure to include the relevant details, like who to contact. No other advertisements are allowed.

.:Imagine:. CasperVend Dropbox Rentals Available.

These are small, 50 prim allocated skyboxes with included security orbs for added protection for only 200L/week.

These rentals are only intended for duplicate dropboxes/servers for CasperVend, not as homes or building areas.

For more information, contact Lerochelle Destiny in-world.

Freya's Server Storage Long Term Rentals

Low cost, long term, storage. Servers, magic boxes, drop boxes

1 prim L$24 / 4 weeks
2 prims L$40 / 4 weeks
4 prims L$64 / 4 weeks

SmartBots inviter - immediate automatic Group invite sent on rental.
