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In 2020, Linden Lab "uplifted" all the Second Life regions to the "AWS cloud".

However, the CasperVend and CasperLet databases will still retain records of vendors, rental units, and dropboxes that are "attached" to the OLD Linden Lab datacenter URLs for ANY items that have not been properly cleaned up.

(And there's a lot...)

The good news is that your edits are only delayed by how many of YOUR items were not properly cleaned up pre-uplift.

The fix is easy:

Run the appropriate UpgradeBee on "Check All" in ALL regions where you have had vendors, dropboxes and/or rental units rezzed out.

Until this is done, when you go to make updates to your stuff, the system will ALSO be checking the old datacenter URL's, which have an apx 60 second timeout PER ITEM that hasn't "phoned home" already (been clicked on or used.)

The old datacenter URL's no longer exist so items that have been deleted prior to uplift, but have NOT been properly cleaned up are ALSO an item that the system needs to check, because it doesn't know it's actually gone - and won't until you run an upgradebee on that region.