CasperVend v1

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CasperVend v1 is the predecessor to CasperVend v2. The system was released in September 2010, and was taken off sale in January 2012.

What version am I running?

If you have purchased CasperVend since January 2012, you are NOT using CasperVend v1.

The v1 vendors are easily recognisable since they are distributed with a black theme. If your vendors came with a white template, you are using the new (v2) system.


CasperVend offers a 12 month service guarantee on any vendor purchases. As of January 2013, we have fulfilled this 12 month obligation to all of our v1 customers, and therefore we are starting to decommission the v1 vendor network, as previously announced.

The equivalent v2 vendor system is FREE to ALL CasperVend customers - and all your existing data on the website will automatically work with v2.

The v1 system is being retired over the following few months. This is going to be a gradual decommissioning, as follows:

  • From the 1st of January, 2013, the v1 system is running at a reduced capacity, on only one server, and may well be subject to issues during rolling restarts. In addition, certain website services will no longer work correctly with v1 vendors (for example, the statistics and customers pages).
  • From the 1st of February, 2013, it will no longer be possible to rez new v1 vendors. All existing v1 vendors will still function.
  • From the 1st of March, 2013, we will no longer provide any support whatsoever to customers still using v1 vendors.
  • From the 1st of April, 2013, we will start sending out repeated warnings to users who still have v1 vendors rezzed.
  • From the 1st of May, 2013, the entire v1 vendor service will cease operations.

How to update

Please use your redelivery terminal to get the new v2 system. If you don't have a redelivery terminal, you can visit the CasperTech store and use ours.

The v2 vendors have been rebuilt from scratch, and therefore it is not possible to update to v2 using the bee. You will need to rez new vendors.