CasperVend 2/Profit Sharing

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About Profit Sharing

Profit sharing allows you to share some amount of your sales with one or more other avatars. There are two ways for you to do profit sharing in CasperVend. The first is on a per-product basis, the second is on a per-vendor basis.

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH YOUR PROFIT SHARING - Funds cannot be recovered once they have been sent to the avatar you specify!

Per-Product Basis

Per-Product basis means that there will be a profit share paid off EVERY sale of that particular product, from EVERY vendor that has that product.

  1. Log in to the CasperVend website.
  2. Click "Products"
  3. Find the product you're trying to add a profit share to, and click the name to bring up the product maintenance screen.
  4. Scroll down and look for the "Profit Sharing" line down by the bot code area.
  5. Click "Add New" - You should get a popup screen titled "New profit share"
  6. Enter the percentage, and which avatar to send that percentage to.
  7. Enter the percentage, and which avatar to send that percentage to.
  8. Click "Add" . The website will give you a "waiting" message and then refresh the page.
  9. Keep doing that for any additional names you want to add.
  10. If you put the wrong name in, or have a typo, just hit "delete" next to the name and input the correct one.
  11. Once the website refreshes, you're all done!

Per-Vendor Basis

Per-Vendor basis means that there will be a profit share paid on sales out of THAT vendor only. Useful if you have mall/vendor space at a location where the owner allows profit share instead of rent.

  1. Click the administration area on the vendor - this will give you a link to the vendor maintenance page on the CasperVend site.
  2. Log in to the CasperVend website. You will be presented with the vendor's page.
  3. Look for the line that says 'Profit Sharing" - click "Add New". You should get a popup screen titled "New profit share"
  4. Enter the percentage, and which avatar to send that percentage to.
  5. Click "Add" . The website will give you a "waiting" message and then refresh the page.
  6. Keep doing that for any additional names you want to add.
  7. If you put the wrong name in, or have a typo, just hit "delete" next to the name and input the correct one.
  8. Once the website refreshes, you're all done!

Not What You Were Looking For?

If this doesn't answer the "How do I...?" question you have, perhaps you need the page on affiliates instead?