CasperVend 2/Gift Cards/V3/Prepare

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Prepare your card

Before you can start issuing gift cards, you need to set up your card correctly.

Step 1: Rez a card on the ground

There are two cards in the crate
  • CasperVend Gift Card v3.x (REZ TO ISSUE)
  • CasperVend Gift Card v3.x NO TRANSFERS (REZ TO ISSUE)

The second card (with "NO TRANSFERS" in the name) prohibits balance transfers between cards.

So choose which you want to set up.

It's important that you rez the card, not just wear it, otherwise permissions that you set on the card will not be applied correctly.

Step 2: Set Permissions

  1. Right click, and EDIT the card
  2. Set the card permissions to [NO MODIFY] and [NO COPY], but leave [TRANSFER] ticked
  3. Switch to the CONTENTS tab
  4. Right click the "CasperVend Gift Card Activator" script, and go to PROPERTIES.
  5. Set the permissions of the "CasperVend Gift Card Activator" script to [NO TRANSFER], then close the Inventory Item Properties window
  6. Right click the "CasperVend Gift Card v_____" script, and go to PROPERTIES.
  7. Set the permissions of the "CasperVend Gift Card v_____" script to [NO COPY], then close the Inventory Item Properties window.

Step 3: Prepare the instructions notecard

The instructions notecard inside the card is NO-TRANSFER. This is intentional, because the notecard should bear your name and not ours.

DO NOT DELETE THE `CasperVend Gift Card Activator` SCRIPT.

  1. Right click, and EDIT the card.
  2. Copy the contents of the "Instructions" notecard into a brand new notecard with exactly the same name
  3. Yes, this means YOUR version of the card must also just be named "Instructions", with no additional words or punctuation
  4. Edit the contents of the notecard. We've left instructions IN CAPITALS which you should follow and remove.
  5. Delete the original "Instructions" notecard from inside the gift card
  6. Place your new "Instructions" notecard into the card

Just drag your store logo onto the dimmed square area:

Step 5: Rename your gift card

  1. Right click, and EDIT the card
  2. Change the NAME of the card to something appropriate for your store.
  3. Right click, and TAKE the card into your inventory.
  4. You can then use this copy of the card when you need to ISSUE your card.

Step 6: (OPTIONAL) Customisation

If you wish to change the textures on the card, do so now.

For the product image square and the button, you must place the textures inside the gift card contents, or they will change back..

  • For the "SELECT A PRODUCT" square, please drop a texture into the card with the name:
  • For the BUTTON AREA when the button is NOT VISIBLE, please drop a texture into the card with the name:
  • For the BUTTON AREA when the button is VISIBLE, please drop a texture into the card with the name:

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