CasperVend 2/Getting Help

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Unlike other operators, we don't charge for support, and we don't make you jump over hurdles to get it. Support is obtained quickly and easily.

CasperTech System Owners Only, For Security Reasons

We are fanatical in providing the best support possible in SL, but please be aware that we can only support CasperTech system owners only.

We do not provide any assistance to the customers, managers, business associates/partners or affiliates of the system owner.

This is because many of the issues that come up in support chat are issues that can ONLY be fixed by the system owner!

For security reasons, only the owner of the system has certain information we need to allow us to track down the cause of a problem, and they are the only ones - again, for security reasons - who can grant permission for Casper to look into things behind the scenes.

How Can I Get Help?

Our support staff are ready and waiting to help you, the system owner! Below are some of the many ways that you can get in touch.

Contact Us Directly

1) When Casper is online: By IM

You can IM Casper Warden any time inworld if you need assistance.

Use this link FROM WITHIN SL to pull up his profile directly: Casper Warden

2) When Casper is offline: By IM-to-Webform

If Casper is not online, send him an IM anyway. You will receive TWO offline messages - one immediately, the second one a few minutes later. WAIT for the second one, then use the link in that message to go to the webform ticket system.

Utilizing this ticket method ensures that your message is in HIS system, and not trapped in the grid's messaging system which devours messages for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

3) By Email

You can also contact Casper by email if you wish, at

4) Ask In Our Support Group

When you purchased your product from CasperTech, you were sent a group invite. That is our user support group, and it's full of very helpful and friendly people. If you missed the invite, contact Casper Warden in second life to request one.

Things to Remember

NO Notecards!

The grid's inventory drop system loves notecards. So much, in fact, that pretty much every notecard sent is eaten before they arrive in Casper's inventory - if you've only send messages to Casper by notecard and wonder why you haven't heard back? Well, this is why.

If Casper is offline, you should always get TWO offline messages - use the link in the second message to get to the webform ticket and send him your message that way instead.

NO Bug Tracker Tickets for Technical Support

The bug tracker system is NOT for personal technical support and is therefore NOT able to provide 1-to-1 support.

Bug tracker is ONLY for reporting chronic issues that affect ALL users - not just one or a few - or for offering suggestions to improve CasperTech products.