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Website Issues

Q. I can't find where to run a website scan?
A. There are links on the overview page, and the regions page, once you log in.
Q. I reset my rental boxes and now I'm seeing TWO of everything! I tried a rescan but they're still there...
A. The rescan is automatically started after you click "schedule a rescan", but it can take "a while" to complete - several hours at least - depending on how many rental boxes you have out and how fast the sims/regions are responding to the website query.

Prim Counter Issues

Payments & Pay Buttons

Management Issues

Tenanent Issues

Q. How do I change the tenant's name on the box? Say for example if X person rented it, but then wanted it to be in Y person's name?
A1. On the website you can remove one tenant and add another, BUT you will lose the time and have to reset it for the replacement tenant, if they're supposed to keep the time.
A2. You can also add the additional name(s) as additional tenant(s) which will give the regular rights of a regular tenant. Just be aware that all added tenants are "SECONDARY" tenants - so if the primary tenant gets booted/evicted/etc., *ALL* the secondaries are booted/evicted/etc. as well.
Q. I was trying to move a tenant from one parcel to another, but it actually deleted the customer's rental and didn't give me the option to move them to another unit.
A. Use the "emergency restore" function to put the tenant back on the original box, and then start over with using "transfer".

Bots & Bot Configuration

Q. Are bot-based group invites to the land holding group available upon renting?
A. CasperLet has full integration with Pikkubots, Smartbots and METAbolt. Simply add your bot codes on the website and you're good to go.
Q. I have a rental box with settings to auto-evict tenants after ___ time. The box is overdue, but the tentant was not evicted. Help!
A. This was a bug fixed in recent updates (version 1.20+) - You'll have to update your version if you're using an older one, re-enable, the "auto-evict" option for all rentboxes to get them to properly auto-evict again. If auto-evict is currently on, that means you need to turn it off, and then back on again.


Q. I have a LOT of meters to configure, especially with customised states and positions. Is there a way to do this in bulk? Edit / Take a copy and rezzing isn't working.
A1. When you are doing "take a copy", you are cloning a meter. Currently, when rezzed, this makes it a NEW box, with NEW scripts - which know nothing about the permissions and preferences given to the original. This is why re-rezzing isn't working.
A2. You can, however, use the *menu* based Copy and Transfer functions:
  1. Touch/click the existing unit
  2. On the popup menu, select "Transfer", then "From"
  3. Set the new unit in place
  4. Touch/click the new unit
  5. On the popup menu, select "Transfer", then "Copy To", then "All" (This copies all data from first unit, including configuration)
  6. Repeat with each successive unit.
Prices can be set in bulk on the website after the configuration is all done.
Q. Does the CasperLet meter or rental box need to be on the same sim or parcel?
A. It has to be on the same sim/region, but not the same parcel. They will only control properties in the sim they're rezzed in. The mapper, for example, can't be placed in one HQ location, with the meter in a completely different sim/region.
Q. Why don't my rental boxes change textures from "In Use" to "Available" when they're available to rent?
A. This is because you removed the "box@" or "m@" portion of the description field. You can change or remove anything after the "box@" / "m@", but you need to KEEP "box@" / "m@" in there or the textures will not change properly.
Q. Can the units on the ground be renamed to reflect their position or parcel name on the sim/region?
A. Just rename them inworld - on the rental unit itself. Be sure to use the NAME field, not the "description" field! The website will pick up the names from inworld the next time it syncs.
Q. Is there a way to get the sim image to load up on the website?
A. It should update within 12 hours; if it doesn't, send an IM to Casper Warden for him to take a look and see why it's not loading.
Q. Can I make the rental boxes translucent?
A. Sure, you'll just need to do it manually - it doesn't happen by script.
Q. Changing transparency / size isn't working with the mesh meters?
A. You can move the mesh meters, but can't change physical characteristics like size and transparency.
Q. How do I get rid of the hovertext / floaty text?
A. If you don't want the unit to display hover/floaty text, add "notext" (WITHOUT quotes) to the description.
  For example: box@notext
Q. Is there an "Evicted" state?
A. No there is not - the rental unit should automatically go back to an available status, and use the "available" state that you've already set. (If it doesn't, it's a bug - file a bug report @ [ Casper's bug ticketing system.)

API Questions

Q. Is there a way to get the unit to spit out any data on additional tenants?
A. This information is only sent when there are additional tenants added or removed. If there are never additional tenants added or removed, you won't get a message. (If you don't get a message even AFTER you add additional tenants, then file a bug ticket @ [ | Casper's ticketing system).
Q. The API documentation says:
  llRegionSay( -77777, "CLAPI-UPDATE"+KEY_OF_UNIT+"|UPDATE|0" );    
  // where KEY_OF_UNIT is the uuid of the rental box/meter
but when I stand next to the box and say this, nothing happens:
  -77777 CLAPI-UPDATE|5194ac0b-4a9f-5c4b-d24e-e0a374533f1d|UPDATE|123
A. Rental units do NOT respond to avatars. The command will need to be coming from a scripted object.