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Website Issues

Q. I can't find where to run a website scan?
A. There are links on the overview page, and the regions page, once you log in.
Q. I reset my rental boxes and now I'm seeing TWO of everything! I tried a rescan but they're still there...
A. The rescan is automatically started after you click "schedule a rescan", but it can take "a while" to complete - several hours at least - depending on how many rental boxes you have out and how fast the sims/regions are responding to the website query.

Prim Counter Issues

Payments & Pay Buttons

Management Issues

Tenanent Issues

Bots & Bot Configuration

Q. Are bot-based group invites to the land holding group available upon renting?
A. CasperLet has full integration with Pikkubots, Smartbots and METAbolt. Simply add your bot codes on the website and you're good to go.
Q. I have a rental box with settings to auto-evict tenants after ___ time. The box is overdue, but the tentant was not evicted. Help!
A. This was a bug fixed in recent updates (version 1.20+) - You'll have to update your version if you're using an older one, re-enable, the "auto-evict" option for all rentboxes to get them to properly auto-evict again. If auto-evict is currently on, that means you need to turn it off, and then back on again.


API Questions