CasperVend 2/Gift Cards/V3/Choose Distribution Method

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Choose your distribution method

Version 3.0 of the CasperVend Gift Card system supports a new distribution method, Modern, which is by far the most secure and most convenient for your customers.

However, the modern approach has some drawbacks. Here's an overview of each method, and the advantages and disadvantages for each:

Modern Distribution

With the Modern distribution method, you issue your gift card with a balance of ZERO. You sell your card through a CasperVend vendor, and when the customer wears the card, the balance is automatically credited to the card.


  • Guaranteed to be secure against any current or future Second Life No-Copy exploits.
  • Makes redelivery of gift cards possible and safe - the balance will only be applied once.
  • The customer can just wear the card to activate it, there's no need to rez the card to make it transferrable.
  • You can award gift-card bonuses when customers purchase other products


  • Cards *MUST* be distributed via the CasperVend system. If you hand cards out in any other manner, they will have a balance of L$0.
  • Only "Balance" mode is supported. "Product" mode cards must use the Classic method.

Want to use this method?

Continue with the Modern Distribution instructions

Classic Distribution

With the Classic distribution method, you set a balance (or product) on the gift card itself, and then distribute the card via any mechanism (EXCEPT via group notice)


  • No restriction on how you distribute the card.
  • Product mode is supported
  • Secure against currently known Second Life permissions exploits


  • Not guaranteed to be secure against any future no-copy exploits discovered, because it still depends on the Second Life permissions system up to a point.
  • For security reasons, customers must REZ the card in order to make it transferable.

Want to use this method?

Continue with the Classic Distribution instructions

Distributing Gift Cards

Selling your new gift cards is easy! Here are some of the ways merchants have mentioned selling theirs in the past:

Sell through CasperVend

You can box up the gift card (and include a notecard of instructions and a landmark) if you wish, and drop the box in the DropBox to sell through the vendors. The box isn't required - if you just want to drop the gift card itself into the DropBox, that works too. You'll need to set up the product listing, either way.

Sell via a "Buy" box

Just drop the gift card in a box, and sell it right from that box. You won't see statistics in your CasperVend, though.

Sell the empty (no balance on them) cards

Simply sell (or give away) gift cards without a balance, and set out a top-up terminal that people can use to put a balance on the cards.