CasperLet/Mapping Table

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Mapper / Map Table

The mapper will show a "mini map" of your sim/region using the current LL maptile image - it should match the sim's appearance on the Grid Map accessible through your SL viewer. Linden updates their grid map snapshots every few days so if you want your Mapper to be current you may need to reset or re-rez it periodically.

You control the position of the Mapper beacons. The default is for the beacons to appear about as far above the Mapper surface as the rental boxes are above sim ground level (relatively speaking).

Mapper beacons are linked to live rental boxes on the same sim - a potential tenant will be offered an opportunity to teleport to a rental box via world map if they click a Mapper beacon.

Available units are shown in green and rented units are shown in black on the mapping table.

About The Text Colors

If you have changed your text colors in your viewer preferences, this will ALSO affect the colors of the hovertext you see.

Customising The Table

You can change the "height modifier" by changing the description of the mapper table - If you set it to 0.00, all units will appear flat on the table. The scale is 1% of actual height.

For example:
A scale of 1.0 would mean that a unit at 4000m would show 40m above the table
A scale of 0.1 would mean that a unit at 4000m would show 4m above the table
A scale of 0.0 would mean that a unit at 4000m would show 0m above the table

You can resize the table, rotate it or move it, and the indicators will move into place within 60 seconds.

Indicators may also be resized by touching/clicking the table and using the +Scale or -Scale buttons on the popup menu.

Customising the Beacon Indicators

To change the textures on the indicators:

  1. Rez the Mapper table and copy the MapBeacon object from its contents into your inventory
  2. Delete from the rezzed Mapper the MapBeacon object
  3. Rez the "MapBeacon" object from your inventory
  4. Drop into the MapBeacon's contents your TEX-available, TEX-rented, etc textures as you're using for your rental boxes. Remember: these textures must be full-perm for the next owner
  5. Take a copy of the modified MapBeacon containing your modified textures
  6. Edit the Mapper and drop in a copy of your modified MapBeacon

Now reset the Mapper. The MapBeacons it rezzes now should display your custom textures intead of CasperLet's default textures.

Paying the Beacon Indicators

Indicators may be touched, and paid, just like the actual CasperLet unit. (Each beacon automatically connects to the main rental units it sees on the sim/region.)

You currently can not customise the Mapper's beacon pay buttons, however the renter can type in the amount they need to pay, and pay their normal rent that way from the mapping table.

If the renter uses the pre-configured pay buttons from the mapper beacon, they will get a pro-rated amount of time added to their rental, unless you have "fixed payments" turned on.

Known Mapper Issues & Limitations

  1. World map tiles (the sim/region's land picture you get when you click the "Map" button in your viewer) will not update automatically on the mapper unit - Linden Lab removed the feature that allowed auto-updates, there's nothing that Casper can do about that.
  2. Doing a right-click > Edit > "reset scripts in selection" (whenever the reset scripts option is on your viewer...) on the Mapper unit might force the Mapper to pick up a fresh-from-LL world map tile from LL.
  3. If not, you can try picking up and re-rezzing the Mapper; it should retrieve the most recent world map image from the Linden Lab world map as soon as you restart it.
  4. If you have JUST made changes to your sim/region, these will likely not be reflected on the LL world map immediately (and thus not on the mapper unit immediately), because LL updates THEIR world map about every 4-5 days.
  5. Things will only be seen ON the world map if they are at or below 400meters, according to the Linden Lab wiki and the Linden Lab knowledge base.
  6. If resetting and re-rezzing the mapper table doesn't update then you'll need to take a manual screenshot of the sim/region (either from the world map or if your draw distance is large enough, from the actual sim/region) and paste the screenshot to the mapper table yourself.
  7. The Mapper table can ONLY work in the same sim/region as the rental units. This means you cannot direct it to pull data from another sim/region.