Debit Permissions

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Revision as of 23:14, 1 August 2013 by Sphynx soleil (talk | contribs)
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CasperVend and CasperLet both use and require "Debit Permissions" in order to function.

These permissions are requested using a dialog similar to this:

    (old dialogue goes here)

or may perhaps be worded as follows:

    (new dialogue goes here) 

As the warning messages suggest, this permission allows the object access to your Linden Dollar (L$) account, giving it the ability to send money from your account to any other avatar.

This permission is required for our vendors and rental units to function. We use it for the following purposes:

  • To refund some money to the customer if they pay too much.
  • To refund the customer if we can't complete the delivery for some reason.
  • To refund the customer if the item is no longer available (limited edition item)
  • To pay discounts to customers if you choose to use our reward system.
  • To pay profit shares to your partners, if you need to use a split pay system.
  • To pay your commission fee in the case of free vendors or affiliates.
  • In the case of affiliates, to forward the money from the affiliate to you.

CasperVend is used by tens of thousands of merchants in Second Life, all of whom have granted this permission. We are a responsible and secure service provider.

All vendors in Second Life require this permission in order to properly function.

However, it's very important that you pay attention every time you receive this dialog - a malicious object can very easily empty all the money out of your account.

If you receive a "debit permissions" dialog, read it and make sure that it is being sent by an object you know and trust, like a CasperVend vendor or a CasperLet rental unit.

CasperVend vendors will request permissions from you on these occasions:

  • When the vendor is rezzed before being set up
  • When the vendor's scripts are reset
  • When the vendor is being updated by an UpgradeBee (because the old script is being replaced with a new one).

For the highest level of security, one might choose to use a separate avatar for scripts that require debit permissions, which will avoid giving access to your personal balance.