Website Issues
- Q. I can't find where to run a website scan?
- A. There are links on the overview page, and the regions page, once you log in.
- Q. I reset my rental boxes and now I'm seeing TWO of everything! I tried a rescan but they're still there...
- A. The rescan is automatically started after you click "schedule a rescan", but it can take "a while" to complete - several hours at least - depending on how many rental boxes you have out and how fast the sims/regions are responding to the website query.
Prim Counter Issues
Payments & Pay Buttons
Management Issues
Tenanent Issues
Bots & Bot Configuration
- Q. Are bot-based group invites to the land holding group available upon renting?
- A. CasperLet has full integration with Pikkubots, Smartbots and METAbolt. Simply add your bot codes on the website and you're good to go.
- Q. I have a rental box with settings to auto-evict tenants after ___ time. The box is overdue, but the tentant was not evicted. Help!
- A. This was a bug fixed in recent updates (version 1.20+) - You'll have to update your version if you're using an older one, re-enable, the "auto-evict" option for all rentboxes to get them to properly auto-evict again. If auto-evict is currently on, that means you need to turn it off, and then back on again.
API Questions
- Q. Is there a way to get the unit to spit out any data on additional tenants?
- A. This information is only sent when there are additional tenants added or removed. If there are never additional tenants added or removed, you won't get a message. (If you don't get a message even AFTER you add additional tenants, then file a bug ticket @ [ | Casper's ticketing system).
- Q. The API documentation says:
llRegionSay( -77777, "CLAPI-UPDATE"+KEY_OF_UNIT+"|UPDATE|0" );
// where KEY_OF_UNIT is the uuid of the rental box/meter
- but when I stand next to the box and say this, nothing happens:
-77777 CLAPI-UPDATE|5194ac0b-4a9f-5c4b-d24e-e0a374533f1d|UPDATE|123
- A. Rental units do NOT respond to avatars. The command will need to be coming from a scripted object.